TRAVERSE Global v11.1

Aged Trial Balance Report

The Aged Trial Balance Report shows invoice balances broken down into five aging periods. You control the sorting, aging, vendor type, language, currency, and formatting criteria. In addition, you can select from three different levels of detail for the report.

  1. Use the Data Filter to select the range of filtering options or leave the filter blank to include all available data.
  2. Select the sort criteria for the report from the Sort By section.
  3. Select whether to use the invoice date or due date as the age date from the Age By field.
  4. Specify the point at which to cut off transactions on the report from either the Date field or the Fiscal Pd/Year field in the Transaction Cutoff section.
  5. Specify the point at which to cut off payments on the report from either the Date field or the Fiscal Pd/Year field in the Payment Cutoff section.
  6. Select the aging date for the system to use as a starting point for aging from the Aging Date field.
  7. Enter the aging breaks in the Past Due fields.
    Note: These are the dates that define aging buckets or categories with a particular aging status.
  8. Select the Secondary tab.
  9. Select a range of distribution codes to include in the report from the Distribution Code From and Distribution Code Thru fields.
    Note: Leave the fields blank to include all distribution codes.
  10. Select whether to print invoice detail or summary information from the View Invoice section.
  11. Select whether to print vendor detail or summary information from the View Vendor section.
  12. Select whether to include only vendors with past due invoices by selecting the Past Due Vendors Only check box.
  13. Select whether to provide page breaks before each new sort value by selecting the Page Breaks check box.
  14. If you do not select a currency in the Report Currency drop-down, reports will show data grouped and subtotaled based on transaction currency. Selection of a currency in the Report Currency drop-down will result in a report based on the selected currency.
  15. Click a command button to 
  16. Click To
    Print Process the Aged Trial Balance Report.
    Output Output the report as a PDF.
    Send Save the report as a PDF and attach it to an email using your default mail program.
    Preview View a preview of the Aged Trial Balance Report.
    Reset Set all fields to their default values.